Thursday, July 29, 2010

Damn the man

Huge companies with big wallets and small minds have the granted privilege to cut to the front of the line to kiss my ass.

me and bob in black and gold

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Me and the Tickster have been busting our asses lately on projects. Way better then sitting around like a shmuck in your living room AC all summer. Shows, flea markets, projects, trips - you name it. Damn busy summer fools.
Right now we got some stuff I can't talk about yet.... but also some stuff i can.
We are working on a project with PWD, NBA, and ESPN.
I can't wait to leave this cold place in December and get off the plane in Florida! Definitely gonna be kick ass fun.

Also scope this out, stop on by:

and i wonder what this could be?

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


photos by Me, Winstony, and the last one by Landon Wise

Monday, July 5, 2010

favorite pictures of the Pow3r in Numb3rs show

thanks for coming out to the show. Big thanks to OverKill, Buildmore, Dash, WTF, Roger, Rachael, Pussy, Bad Dog, Goest, Radius, Revilo, Arks, El Toro and everyone else that made this possible.


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